Real life, Death & the Why of things. A New Year to start.

Not that I do not understand that to stop blogging, twittering, networking, cultivating my personal brand, engaging my audience, spreading my visibility to generate conversations, will certainly delay my google ranking, and worse, put me down in the top 100 of french new media consultants en vogue and discredit me with my wonderful students and my dear clients and coached. Not that I suddenly decided to keep everything for me, and decided not to share my daily watch and my insatiable curiosity about geeks things and virtual life ...
During the last half year, I simply stopped counting the minutes and hours. A moment that I just wanted for me. It was not just a matter of time, but something deep about love, life and death.
I could have shared my disbelief about archaic systems of communication and transmission between hospitals, on the technicality of the intensive care unit of the Hopital St Joseph, my anger about the basic protocols which are not respected at the expense of the most impaired and older, my admiration for some doctors, nurses and caregivers ...
I could boil it down to societal issues, information and technology that I carefully analyzed to draw conclusions and balances that I would have shared with you, thru metaphors or business cases.
I did not want to. The virtual and its avatars were thousands of miles away from me in front of the pure reality, the suffering body of the beloved to whom I vainly tried to convey the hope and energy alive. I was just coming to Second Life for drowning myself into creation. To forget how tough all that moment was. To write, yes, but later ...
My father, Jean-Claude Zuili, this simple and beautiful hero, has gone on the last Thursday of November when the snow began to fall, taking with him his great humanity and secrets of the simple joys of a time that no longer exists.
We shared a taste for authenticity, walking and the great outdoors, travel and adventure, history and modernity. We loved sharing about the genius of man, the complexity and mystery. His courage, determination, his choices were drawing the route of the life of a free man that the society of spectacle slightly touched, the life of a man dedicated to the life of other men.
Life goes on and I take back the course of my life, real and virtual. There are so many projects, so many dreams turn into reality as possible potentialities, open, accessible.
To all friends, passengers and loyal readers, students and interns, I wish a good year 2011, an iron, an unfailing optimism, joy of living, energy, wonderful meetings and shared moments.
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